Pet Blood Bank - Help Save Another Dog's Life

Posted by Amy on Oct 21, 2020

Did you know dogs can give Blood?

Neither did we until we discovered Pet Blood Bank. The UK's first and only charity of its kind that provides a canine blood bank service, helping to save the lives of many loyal companions across the UK.

Just as we can give blood to help other people, the same applies for our canine friends. Each time a dog gives blood it can help up to four other dogs. Our own dogs regularly donated to the blood bank and loved all the fuss the friendly staff gave them. 

Who can donate?

Dogs are not routinely blood typed unless they are donating or receiving blood, but both negative and positive blood types can donate. At the moment, Pet Blood Bank UK is calling for more negative blood type dogs to donate in 2020 due to an ongoing shortage of DEA 1 (Dog Erythrocyte Antigen) in the UK. With only 30% of dogs having negative blood, there is a high demand for this blood type.


We are calling all pawsome superstars who are large, confident and healthy to come forward and donate - here is The Superstar Checklist:


Infographic images by Argos Pet Insurance

So what happens on the day?

The Pet Blood Bank run collection sessions all over the UK where owners bring their dogs along to give blood. Each time they come they are given a full health check. It doesn’t take long either - on average 40 minutes, of which 10 will be for the actual donation itself. During this time, the donor is encouraged to lie down and relax with their owner by their side. As you can see, our Kaizer found the whole process quite relaxing!


Afterwards they get a drink of water and some treats – the doggy equivalent of tea and biscuits, as well as a goody bag to go home with and a bandana, so they can tell everyone that they are a life saver - just like our Amber and Kaizer below!


Refer a friend

If you can think of anyone with a large, happy dog who enjoys new experiences, and you feel like they could be a donor during this time, please let them know about Pet Blood Bank UK. If you refer a friend and they mention you when registering, you will receive one of their exclusive Ambassador pin badges as a thankyou.

With thousands of transfusions being carried out every year, it is important that we all work together to spread the word and get people talking about dog blood donation.

Sign Up

If you think you can help or know a dog who can, please visit Pet Blood Bank website –

Learn more about their service, register your dog and check out their donation locations

Or give them a call or e-mail – 01509 232 222

You can also find them on  FacebookTwitter and Instagram, make sure to tag them in your posts and use the hashtag #PBBLifesavers so they can see your lovely photos and stories.