Christmas Food Banks

Posted by K9 Active on Dec 15, 2020

Food Banks - Don't forget the dogs.

Sadly, food banks are becoming commonplace in our society. People are presenting at hospitals with malnutrition whilst others have more than they will ever need. We walk around the shops and see trolleys piled high with food and pointless things, yet what about the ones that cannot afford Christmas, and what about the dogs?

They say we are all only two pay checks from homelessness. We have always had a houseful of dogs that love their comforts, I can’t even imagine having to choose between feeding us, them or staying warm through the cold winter. In comparison to some people our little family is very lucky indeed.

For years we have been donating to foodbanks at Christmas. As far as we are concerned we have enough to be comfortable, we have enough to offer others that are not so fortunate the same comfort too. We also donate doggy packages to help people to treat their pets when times are hard.

Can you imagine not having the resources to pay your rent, feed yourself, buy even cheap dog food? Cold, hungry and desperate is no way to live and certainly no way to spend Christmas. So we put together a few packages to take to our local Food Bank for people that have dogs at home. 

Our local food bank is Dunfermline Food Bank, which has 5 centres across South West Fife, covering 125 sq miles. This Food Bank has over 200 fantastic volunteers, and currently helps roughly 8126 people who are in food crisis and are given a three-day emergency food supply in 2019-20 in South West Fife.

This year we have donated 30 cartons of Naturediet wet food and 30 Christmas Goodie Bags filled with a selection of our bulk treats. As you can see, Skye is very proud of K9active's donation knowing we have helped some less fortunate families and doggies, and now they have a little present to open on Christmas day.

I learned many years ago that shopping for myself was not the key to happiness, it's empty. Having a wardrobe full of new clothes is hollow, you only need one gadget, one sofa, one bed. Anything after that does nothing for the heart. Giving is where the heart smiles and giving to strangers makes the heart bigger, I’m certain of it!

There is something truly magical about giving, if you have not tried it then do so right now. Give something away, but something for someone and expect nothing in return. Perhaps put a bag of dog toys and treats together then take them along to your local shelter. Find your local food bank and use some of your own budget on others. Christmas will be nicer for you if you do.

We never see where these things go or who dog enjoys them, but we know that somewhere at Christmas we have made a difference to someone and their pet and to us that’s worth far more than having enough food to feel sick on or buying excessive gifts for each other.

Can you imagine how it would feel if times were tough and someone, that you had never met, treated you and your dog at Christmas? What a wonderful feeling that would be!

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, from all at K9active.