Eden Holistic Dog Food at K9active



The following guides provide a great starting point for determining how much your dog should be fed each day, nevertheless they should be adjusted to meet your dog’s specific requirements. Generally a dog should have a minimal but even covering of fat over the body, the ribs should be easily palpable, the waist observable behind the waist when viewed from above, with the abdomen tucking up when viewed from the side. If you are ever unsure, ask your vet about your dog’s ideal weight and remember to check their weight at regular intervals. Each dog is an individual with different activity levels, and puppies and young adults will grow at different rates.

Remember to increase the food portions in accordance with your dog's current weight. Once your dog is settled on Eden, keep an eye on his or her weight to determine whether the suggested feeding amounts are right for your dog.


Active and Working Dogs:

The “active dog” feeding guide is recommended for those whose dogs who have an energetic lifestyle. If you are an active person, into running or long hikes and your dog comes with you then they will be burning more calories. As with the adult feeding guide above, always keep an eye on your dog’s weight and adjust the feeding amount accordingly.



We introduce Eden to our puppies from about 5 weeks onward, pouring a small amount of hot water over the food and mixing to form a paste and then allowing time to cool to room temperature. (Note; using cold water has no effect as Eden does not contain grain which would absorb water)

Very young puppies (6-16 weeks) will generally eat as and when they need, so ensure that there is always enough food available for a meal time. Young dogs (1-2 years) intake is very much dependant on activity, as mentioned above keep a close eye on your dog’s body to ensure the correct weight is maintained. As puppies vary so much during the first 12 months, the following table can only be used as a starting point, look up the weight of your puppy using the appropriate column.


Semi Moist
